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A year from now,

you'll wish you had started today.


"I started working with Nicole about a year ago. I had just made a change in my career and was looking for a coach to help me clarify my future career goals and to give me the courage to step outside of my comfort zone and into a place of growth. As someone who is admittedly "hard to coach", Nicole's style made it easy to quickly build trust and get to the heart of what was holding me back from discovering my full potential. Our partnership continues to help me to step into my new career with confidence and to keep challenging my self-imposed limits."


Emily b.

What is coaching?


Coaching is a goal-oriented process. It’s about creating permanent change and achieving RESULTS. I help clients move from their current reality to a desired future; from the life they have, to the life they want. 


why hire a coach?


People seek coaching for different reasons. Typically, a common theme is the realisation that they want to break old patterns, but don’t know how to get there. Their frustration with their present is clouding future success, and many have barriers or obstacles they haven’t been able to tackle alone. 


Even some of the most Senior Executives can question their leadership style, or their capability to manage their team, especially in these uncertain times. The COVID crisis has many wondering whether or not their management style is effective, or if they have the tools to lead through crises. This crisis has others wondering about their fulfillment, and whether or not they want to return to what life was like “before.”


Through a series of small steps, we’ll make changes that feel right for you - because we’ll be creating them together. Eventually, you’ll look back and the small steps will have taken you to where you want to be!


HOW DOES coaching WORK?


During our sessions, I will help you develop new perspectives, and consider new choices for effective actions to achieve your goals. I will work with you to facilitate change through building self-awareness, understanding your choices, establishing actions and helping you hold yourself accountable.   


I will help you think differently about your circumstances and analyse your choices. Together we will co-create an action plan, then, co-develop an accountability plan that works for you. 


I will never tell you what to do, rather, I will act as a facilitator to help you find your own solutions; to discover the necessary actions to move forward, and then to find the courage and confidence to implement those actions. Finally, I will support you throughout the change process.


why hire me?


  • Certified by the International Coach Federation (ACC)

  • Proven success record

  • Deep corporate experience including Board Level

  • Non judgemental

  • Empathetic

  • Great listener

  • I genuinely care about your success!




I encourage you to take the first step...Contact me today!

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